Rick Steindorfer

A luz ilumina o meu caminho


Believe me, no one is better than anyone else

Believe me, no one is better than anyone else, we are all one among infinite strings of a harp, which vibrate to the Divine breath, which is the Consciousness of God. We are part of a wonderful symphony. None of us represents more than the others in this heavenly harmony. This music is the presence of God and those who can perceive, or hear this music, are blessed by a deep joy, which makes them laugh and cry, as if they were crazy in the eyes of others, who cannot see anything. Therefore, disconnect from human foolishness and open your feelings and thoughts to receive, directly from the Father, the blessing that only you are entitled to. By Rick Steindorfer - 11/23/2023 2:05 pm

Enviado por RickSteindorfer em 28/11/2023


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