Rick Steindorfer

A luz ilumina o meu caminho


Our home - The messengers

I read all of André Luiz's books, I am a medium and I suffered a lot, not knowing the origin and role of mediumship. I read most of Chico Xavier's books and many, many books by various authors, this gave me a great refreshment in my existence and a greater understanding of who we are and what we have to do in the world. The strength of the soul always expresses itself, we are led to doubt its power, but when we learn to look at ourselves with love, we can do much more. Looking at the soul with the power it has, being aware and knowing that what we seek is not always ours, but is part of our mission. By Rick Steindorfer - 01/18/2024 10:29 pm

Enviado por RickSteindorfer em 18/01/2024


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